Podcast numbers

Wizzard Media just released some interesting numbers that have been fun to play with… Wizzard owns some of the bigger podcast hosts, including Libsyn, so they probably have a decent sample size. They report:

[I]n the month of April across the entire network of shows, we fulfilled over 83 million download requests for audio and video files. The system logged and processed well over 100 million downloads in total; however we filter out image downloads and other files that aren’t MP3, MP4, M4V, MOV, WMV, AAC, M4b, FLV and AVI files.

So, that’s a pretty huge number. Rob Walch at Podcast 411 did some number crunching, and he estimates that this data translates to roughly 10 million podcast consumers. Now, compared to TV and terrestrial radio, that’s small potatoes, but considering that this a medium that hit mainstream accessibility sometime within the last two years, it’s pretty impressive.

One other piece of cool information from the Wizzard post… the top ten cities where they are delivering podcasts. Notice it’s not just the top 10 cities in terms of population here in the US… Sacramento at #2!

  • New York
  • Sacramento
  • Los Angeles
  • Washington DC
  • Atlanta
  • Chicago
  • Minneapolis-St. Paul
  • San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose
  • Philadelphia
  • Louisville
  • Salt Lake City

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