Nineball Media can produce an Intro, Outro, Promo or Bumper for your podcast or one-shot audio production… a low-cost investment to give your podcast or production a seriously professional polish!

  • Intro: a fully-produced introduction to your podcast, consisting of our voice talent and royalty-free music that fits the vibe of your production.
  • Outro: the wrap up for your show or one-shot production. This could include credits, legal disclaimers, the web page address, or any other closing information you need.
  • Bumper: a transition between topics or between songs consisting of royalty-free music, voice talent or both.
  • Promo: a commercial for your production to offer to podcasts or other outlets to promote your show or one-shot production.

Nineball Media can also provide ongoing voice talent for your show. Contact Nineball Media for more details.