KATG making waves

Our favorite podcast rebels are at it again… Keith Malley of Keith & The Girl bought thesimpsonsmovie.com in 1999 and was recently forced by the United Nation’s World Intellectual Property Organization to hand over the domain name for the Simpsons movie opening today. Although his loss was total and complete, Keith has parlayed the story (and his investment) into massive exposure for the podcast in the mainstream media (like this, this, this, and this). Sure, he’s often referred to as a cybersquatter and other less desirable names, but I think Keith can handle it.

In other KATG news, it looks like their brief hosting experiment with TalkShoe is over. In a recent show discussing the split (Show 541), there was an almost Festivus-like airing of grievances. Needless to say, that didn’t end well for TalkShoe. KATG is moving hosting to Wizzard Media… a major upside to the switch is that listeners no longer have to hear the truly annoying pre-roll ads anymore. Coming to Wizzard is a bit like coming home for KATG… the show had been hosted for years by LibSyn, which was acquired by Wizzard in March.

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