Podcasts via WiFi iTunes Store?

I mentioned in a previous post that I hadn’t seen anything to indicate that podcasts will be available over the WiFi iTunes store… it wasn’t demonstrated at the Apple event announcing it, and the webpage makes no mention. However, at least a couple of people are suggesting that podcasts will be available on the store… Natali del Conte from Textra stated pretty emphatically on GeekBrief that podcasts are on Apple’s new WiFi iTunes Store. Here’s hoping she knows something we don’t know!

UPDATE… Natali got back via comment here on the blog and said she’s wprking to confirm it through her press contact at Apple. On This Week in iPhone with Cali, it sounds like Jobs might have mentioned podcasts, but nobody’s too sure. Mistake or not, it’s a surefire bet that podcasters would embrace the hell out of inclusion in the wifi store.

One comment

  1. Natali says:

    That was my assumption from what Steve Jobs said but I haven’t been able to confirm it. I have written to my press contact at Apple for an answer. I will let you know when I hear back.

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